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ByKeith S. Black

When it comes to selecting a camera, there are only 2 types. Are you looking for the latest trends or are you looking for something more familiar and traditional. Your 2 choices are purchasing the high technology based digital SLR or the more traditional manual camera.

If you're confused about which of the 2 to buy, I am going to provide you with a few tips to help you get started on the path to selecting the best camera for your needs. What you first need to decide is, are you looking for a day to day camera for taking pictures for special occasions in life? Are you looking for something to take with you on vacation or are you seriously considering making photography a long time endeavor?

If you decide that this is a serious long term endeavor, than a DLSR would be you best option. DSLR stands for-Digital Single Lens Reflex camera. If you're wondering what is the difference between a DSLR and a manual camera, read below to find out.

A DSLR allows you to adjust the camera's shutter speed and aperture. You have to have patience when taking photos with a DSLR. It can be somewhat of a tedious task to take shots with this camera but the end results are very rewarding. You'll get the photos that you really want when using a DSLR. With a traditional manual camera, you just point the camera and shoot it. The pictures are as is. You may or may not want pictures like this.

Camera Reviews-
Read popular camera magazines and online reviews to find out more about a specific brand of DSLR camera. I suggest you get familiar with the most current and up to date cameras on the market. Doing so will help you get a clearer idea of what your needs are. This will help you save time and money. In doing your research you learn about depth of field, doing close-ups and flash systems.

The Price Is Right-
The price of DSLR cameras very. The less expensive are manual and offer automatic aperture settings and the high end cameras offer the features of the lower end cameras plus many additional features.
The high end models can be programed, have flash measure abilities and have many more shutter speed read outs.

How Do You Decide-
If you're in your local camera shop and you see a few cameras that you like, pick them up. Get a feel for them, look through the view finder and look at the camera focus. Do you feel comfortable with the camera? Are you intimidated by the camera controls? Do you feel comfortable with the price?

If you take my 3 tips into consideration when selecting your camera, you'll find your shopping experience to be more efficient and time saving. As suggested earlier, read a few camera publications and learn more tips about how to select a good camera that meets your requirements.

About The Author

Keith S. Black has many different photography methods. He is a successful photographer and makes a full time living as a photographer. To find out about one of the best cameras to use for your photography you can visit: to read one of Keith's Nikon Reviews and get more information.

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