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The user's manual for Nikon D4 is now available on Nikon Europe support site (registration required). Update: here is a direct link for the D4 manual.

This Nikon D4 in Australia also came with Sony XQD card and reader. The rumor is that the first batch of D4 shipments will all include Sony XQD card and a reader (and not only NPS orders).

The US delivery of D4 (and D800) cameras should all happen by the end of next week because Nikon will suspend all shipments from March 24- April 1st for their yearly inventory count (March 31 is the end of the fiscal year for Nikon). The Nikon WT-5A and BL-6 covers for the new battery should be in stock in the next 48 hours.

Source by Nikonrumors

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